Monday, September 10, 2012

It's Your Choice!

       Hello 'Daily Dosers',
   Since this is my first blog entry ever, please bare with me as I might be a little scatter-brained in my writing. My blog is simply me (Cassidy) writing my ideas, opinions, and beliefs on certain subjects; while, trying to help others get the most out of their life on a day-to-day basis. Feel free to comment/debate on any of my posts. I'd love to here feedback and other peoples opinions! I hope I can influence your life in a positive way through my writing. :)
     Now that the intro is done, it's time to get down to business.  For those of you who don't know, today is suicide awareness day. I won't be addressing suicide directly today but my post could possibly speak indirectly to the people who've considered/attempted it. However, this is not going to be me telling you what's right or wrong...I'm simply going to be explaining the picture/quote  below. 

     I don't know what all you are facing in your life, and I'm not going to pretend I do. People are entitled to their own past and the privacy of it. On the other hand, no one has the right to feel so worthless or hopeless that they believe taking their own life is the answer. If any of you reading this have felt that way before or maybe do currently, I want to sincerely apologize for the circumstances causing you to think about such a thing and encourage you to continue reading.
We all wake up each day with choices. We get to chose whether we are going to be happy, sad, mad, giddy, excited, anxious, nervous, etc. We get to chose whether we are going to hold on to the negative things that happened yesterday or let them go and live in the present. We have the choice to allow people in our life who dislike/hurt us to effect us in a negative way, or just accept them and move one. We have the choice whether we are going to let our mistakes discourage us or use them in a positive manner as a learning experience. We ALL have CHOICES that, put together, make up who we are and the life we live. If you want to dwell in the past, keep wishing you'd done things differently, continue hating those who've done you wrong, and regretting your poor choices....go ahead. But don't expect to find true happiness and peace until you learn to let go, forgive yourself/others, and start fresh. That doesn't mean that your past is automatically erased; obviously what happened did happen. Starting fresh simply means you are not allowing previous actions to define who you are presently. They make up a part of you but they don't have to be who you are.
I don't really care what you've done in the past; that includes last year, last month, last week, last night, or even in the last hour! That time is gone, and is not coming back. You don't have to let what you've done or what others have done to you make up your future. Maybe you think your mistakes are too bad to fix or another persons poor choice is too bad for you to forgive. Well, they aren't. Trust me when I say, let it go. Being envisioning who you want to become as a person, what you want to do in your life, and then find a way to be that person and achieve that life. Start today... No, start now!  Do whatever it takes, fight whatever addiction, overcome all negative thoughts, ignore the "I cant's" forgive the wrongs of the past and get the future you deserve.
Everything happens for a reason, you just have to wait for the reason to be revealed in time.
Thank you for reading,
Cassidy :)


  1. That is very well written. You are a very wise young woman too. Most people don't realize what it takes to continue being happy regardless of what has happened. You most definitely have to live in the present more so than not and forget the past. If you just dwell in your on misery instead of trying to improve your mood and/or outlook, then you are not going to be able to progress in changing the poor mood of which you may be in.

    I most certainly agree with you though. Everything does happen for a reason, and sometimes the reason is never known. Even though it may not be know, it doesn't mean there wasn't one. And it may have been a unfortunate event, but I've always heard that you have to go through the bad to get to the good. Only if everyone would realize life is hard and it takes much determination. You just have to keep pushing and keep looking forward.

  2. Great inspiration Cassidy. I hope people read and maybe you maybe able to help or at least get them thinking in a more positive direction. Keep up the good work.
